The next great step: fertilizing the freshly planted trees

After a short and mild winter, me and my dad started to do some pruning on the old trees and also carried some good natural organic fertilizer - straight from the stable - to the freshly planted trees.

My grandpa still owns a cow (in the past he used to have 3-4 cows, one or two pigs, a small sheep flock, many chickens and turkeys), therefore we had plenty of natural fertilizer that my grandpa stored next to the stable in the past 2 years.

So, as I said, we started to add that fertilizer to the trees:

I carried the dung using a really old trolley from my grandpa, and a shovel much older than me.

The dung was laid between the rows by some guy with a horse and a cart, but I still had to carry it to the trees.

As you can see, it was kinda difficult to carry that old heavy trolley on the plowed surface - this made me think of buying a tractor, which I did 10 months later (stay tuned, I'll post about the whole process of buying a tractor, and I'll upload some videos of me driving the tractor too).

As I said, we also did some pruning - my dad actually pruned those trees, and this is how much the trees produce each year - imagine what you can do with the tones of branches we cut each year - this is something I'm planning to approach as soon as I can, though I have to buy some machines to process the wood first.

The whole process was really exhausting, but in the end, it felt really good - I felt better at the end of the day after taking care of these trees, seeing what I accomplished in just one day. After each day of planting/prunning/fertilizing those trees I felt that God is good, He is giving me the power and will to do all of this, therefore I've realized working in the nature takes me closer to God and gives me a different perspective on life, like the fact that those trees are programmed perfectly, with no bugs to do what they were designed to: grow, bloom and make fruits that serve as good nutrients for us.


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